Boxing Gear

The Boxing Training Area has all the basics for supplemental boxing exercise, including:

  • Standard Heavy Bag (sand)

  • Heavy Bag (water)

  • Wrecking Ball

  • Speed Bag

  • Hand wraps and Gloves

gitfit Zone Boxing

The bags can assist with strength training, cardio exercise as well as boxing and kickboxing practice. It can be a fun way to burn some extra calories instead of traditional cardio machines. While burning the extra fat, it is also a mentally relaxing exercise.

gitfit Zone is not a boxing gym. Boxing gyms are goal specific training clubs for boxers that cost much more than regular gyms. The gitfit training area is setup for light- to moderate-use to supplement other training options at the gym.

Protective gloves are provided (and required) for anyone using the boxing equipment. Beginners are highly encouraged to engage an experienced trainer for assistance on proper technique to avoid injury. Improper use of heavy bags can cause injury, especially to the hands, wrists, arms and shoulders. As with all activities at the gitfit Zone gym, there are no staff or attendants monitoring the members - workouts are entirely self-moderated. 

Speed Bag

The Speed Bag works the shoulders mostly which is main muscle used in punching and it significantly improves you shoulder endurance. Once you develop a rhythm, it can be a good exercise for anaerobic arm and cardiovascular conditioning. It will also slightly bring in the triceps, the traps and the upper body.

Speed bags are designed to develop quickness, not power, so save the heavy hands for the heavy bags. 

Heavy Bag

Note: Always use boxing gloves for bags and hand wraps to protect your hand and wrist.

Heavy bag training works every major muscle in your body, including your arms, chest, back, shoulders, legs, and even your core during a session making it a truly effective full-body workout. Use your legs to move around the bag and dip down to throw shots to the body. You will power through your glutes, hamstrings and hips for your punches and you can add power to those muscles by working out consistently on the heavy bags and by working out smart and incorporating drills. 

Wrecking Ball

The Wrecking Ball punching bag is a versatile bag ideal for improving your striking, including body shots, upper cuts, overhands and even knees.

Boxing Timer

The Gym Timer can be setup to time rounds and rest intervals. The timer page provides additional details, including programming instructions.

301 W. 1st St, Idalou, Texas 79329 806.955.8915

Let us help

Whether you're an existing member or just want to visit, we're here to help. 

You're welcome to call or text (preferred) anytime.  Even better, connect with us on social media.

We look forward to having fun getting fit together at gitfit.

Pricing     Signup

Many reason to join us!

New members are joining gitfit because:
 ✓ Close to home - no need to drive into Lubbock
 ✓ Healthier Body = Happiness
 ✓ Clean, safe workout space
 ✓ Stress relief
 ✓ Work out with family and friends
 ✓ Improve flexibility, balance and overall fitness level


  • 153


  • 5,226

    WORKOUTS (2021)

  • 2,090,400



    gitfit Zone

    301 W. 1st Street
    idalou, tx 79329




    About Us

    Everyone knows that exercise is good for you. At gitfit, we provide a convenient, clean and fun facility so everyone in the community has access to an affordable fitness experience. 

    Serving communities: Idalou, Roosevelt, Lorenzo, Slaton, Ralls, Buffalo Springs, Ransom Canyon, New Deal, Abernathy, Petersburg and Crosbyton


    Popular equipment options:

    Smith Machine: for self-spotting lifts

    TRX Straps: for bodyweight exercise

    Kettlebell weights: up to 25lbs

    Rogue Bumper Plates: for Olympic lifts